Infra-Red Therapy Treatment and Wellness
INFRA RED therapy uses light to treat acute or chronic pain and inflammation.
It is a painless, natural and safe treatment that is being used in various fields of medicine, including dentistry. It can penetrate deep through the layers of the skin, to the muscles and the bones, improving circulation to the body, bringing oxygen and nutrients to injured tissues promoting healing, easing pain, reducing inflammation and protecting against oxidative stress.
Nitric Oxide Cardiovascular Health
One of the key health benefits of Infra-Red therapy is improvement in cardiovascular health and increases the production of Nitric Oxide, important for the health of blood vessels. This molecule helps relax the arteries and prevents the blood from clotting and clumping in the vessels. It also combats free radicals and regulates blood pressure.
Infra-Red has the ability to penetrate deep into the body tissue to the muscles and the bones.
Benefits of Infra-Red Light Therapy
- Relaxation.
- Muscle and joint pain relief.
- Reduces inflammation and pain eg arthritis, sprains and muscle spasms.
- Cardiovascular health for circulation.
- Detoxification and skin purification.
- Boosting of the immune system and lowering blood pressure.
- Headache and migraine relief.