IPL Skin Rejuvenation at Sacha Health Spa

IPL Skin Rejuvenation is a treatment breakthrough that can correct many skin conditions creating cleaner, vibrant and more youthful skin through a rejuvenating process safely. One to five sessions are recommended.IPL Machine

  • Acne treatment, reduce acne scars
  • Removes red veins
  • Pigment removal, eg freckles, skin discolouration
  • Reduced wrinkles, aged and sun damaged skin

Acne Treatment

Acne can be so uncomfortable and stressful and it can be treated by IPL rejuvenation.

Acne is caused by the bacteria along with other debris from the skin surface blocking the follicle causing inflammation usually on the face chest and back. The IPL light travels to the bacteria, kills it and repairs the damaged caused by the bacteria leaving your skin clear.

Acne Before Treatment
Acne Before Treatment
Acne After Treatment
Acne After Treatment

Red Vein Removal

Red veins can be very embarrassing and unsightly and can be treated by IPL rejuvenation. We use IPL light to coagulate the blood inside the unsightly thread veins to make them disappear.

Pigment Removal

Pigmentation can be caused by many factors such as exposure to sunlight (freckles), hormonal imbalance.

As the IPL light hits the dark pigmented areas of the skin it shatters the pigmentation, layer by layer over a number of treatments as the cells renew into a clear surface.

Wrinkle Reduction

Wrinkles can be reduced by IPL treatment making skin look more youthful through a rejuvenating process. See photos below after two treatments.

Wrinkles Before Treatment
Wrinkles Before Treatment
Wrinkles After Treatment
Wrinkles After Treatment